Parish News
St. James Church Services
St James services resumed October 20th and will continue until May 11, 2025. St. Georges Church will reopen Sunday, May 18, 2025.
The church office continues to be open Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Parish Zoom Services
Saturday 7pm Zoom services resume January 11th. Contact Canon David for the link.
Virtual Bible Study
Zoom Bible Study at 2:00 every Friday. NOTE the new time.
Prayer Chain
The parish has operated a confidential prayer chain for over 30 years.
New members are always welcome. Screening in Faith required. Please speak to Peggy Kernohan if interested.
Prayer Vigil for the Elimination of Gender-based Abuse
Monday, February 17th, 5PM, St James Greenspace
Annual Vestry Meeting
Sunday, March 2 following the 11 am service. This is the church’s Annual General Meeting. Please plan to attend.
February Outreach Focus
The Prayer Shawl Ministry. Shawls will be distributed to retirement and nursing homes during this month's services.
World Day of Prayer
Friday, March 7, 2pm. Hosted by the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Sutton.
Chancel Guild
The parish is looking for volunteers who can assist with setting and cleaning up the altar for services. Screening in Faith is required.
Scent Free Worship
Please refrain from using perfumes and colognes since some of our parishioners have extreme allergies.
Why you should participate in PAR (pre-authorized remittance).
Convenience. If you already have automatic payments from your account to an insurance company, mortgage or utility, then you understand the principle of PAR. Your offering is received by the parish automatically every month. You choose the amount which can be changed with a written request.
Continual support. When you are away or miss a Sunday your support of outreach ministries and programs continues. The parish benefits from a regular, dependable flow of contributions.
To register for PAR and for further information contact Debra Harpley at or leave a message at the church.
River Glen Nursing Home Service
Our monthly services are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am. Contact Canon David Neelands if you wish to volunteer.
Cedarvale Lodge Retirement Home Worship Service
Services are held in partnership with Christ Church, Roches Point usually on the second Monday of the month at 10:00 am. Volunteers welcome. Contact Canon David Neelands for details.